Raised by Failure

I was raised by confusion
Not sure whether I’m going left
Or right
Or up
Or down
Admitting when I’ve lost direction
“Find your way or you’ll stay stuck”
Stuck and wandering alone
I was raised by failure.
I was raised by bad decisions
Burned bridges
Thoughtless choices
Wishing I could go back in time
Wanting to get back what I’ve lost
Realizing that
Time really doesn’t wait for anyone
Accepting the situations I’ve created for myself
“Learn and move forward”
I’ve heard it a thousand times
I’ve been taught by failure.
I was raised by hard training
Practicing when it’s the last thing I want to do
Playing out of tune
Losing auditions
Wanting to quit
Enjoying the moments when I can say I’m proud of how I played
Never forgetting the moments when I wish I could do everything over
“Train hard and try again next year”
Oh, I will
I am motivated by failure.
I was raised by hard workers
A social worker and a lawyer
Two people dedicated to helping others
Themselves struggling through life after long childhoods
Rough circumstances
Missed opportunities
Born in Post-Katrina New Orleans
“We can survive anything”
It’s true
I was created through failure.
I was raised by loss
Loss of people
Ways of life
Constantly rebuilding myself
With parts of me gone
Constantly putting myself back together without the parts I know are missing
A puzzle full of flaws and mistakes
“Soon you won’t even remember the person you were”
I don’t know but
I’ve been elevated through failure.
I was raised by mistakes
Bad grades
Getting corrected
Saying the wrong things
Or the right things at the wrong time
Being told I wasn’t doing enough
Maybe because I wasn’t
“Do better and you won’t feel like people don’t like you”
I think I have done better
I was shaped by failure.
I was raised by setbacks
Taking one step forward
Falling three steps back
What’s the point if even trying to succeed
When you know it just means losing first?
Why do I struggle to get back on my feet?
“It will all be worth it in the end”
I hope so
I was raised by failure.